Hi I'm

Suzy Stevenson

Front-end Developer based in Canada

Contact Me

My Projects

Picture of my weather app

Weather Project

I built my weather application using HTML, CSS, an active API, and JavaScript which adds interactivity to the app. I used tools like Bootstrap, APIs, hosting and advanced JavaScript, skills I learned with SheCodes Plus. The project allows users to search for weather information based on location and displays a variety of weather-related data such as wind speed, temperature, UV index, and more. There is a search bar where you can type in your desired location or city name, alternitively you can allow access to your current location.

See my weather project!

Hiking Project

My hiking page was built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, skills I learned with SheCodes Basics. The page helps users select a suitable hiking trail in Southern Alberta by suggesting a hike based on their experience level, physical fitness, and preferences for the type of hike. It also provides some information about the Canadian Rockies and a suggestion for a local, social media based hiking group.

See my hiking page!
Picture of my hiking project